Are Penis Weights Really Effective? An Expert Guide

So you've heard that penis weights can help with enlargement. Great! You could be on the right track. But there are a lot of things to put clear before you begin using penis weights for enlargement.

In this article, we'll guide you through the basics of penis weights and look at the effectiveness of using them to enlarge your penis.

What Are Penis Weights?

Penis weights are a method of penile enhancement that involves hanging weights from the penis to make it longer and thicker.

Proponents of penis weights claim that it's an effective way to achieve a bigger penis. And while there is some scientific evidence to back up this claim, the long-term results are unknown. That's because penis weights have not been studied in depth, so there's no real consensus on whether or not they work.

Are Penis Weights Effective?

The answer is: it can be to some people and it may not be to others. So, the best way is to try it and find out for yourself. Just make sure you do your research first, and consult with a doctor before starting any kind of penile enhancement regimen.

Understanding The Benefits Of Penis Weights

Before we go any further, you must understand the benefits of penis weights.

When you use penis weights, you're doing more than just increasing the size of your penis: You're also strengthening the muscles and ligaments that support it. This can lead to better erections, increased sexual stamina, and improved prostate health.

But that's not all: Penis weights exercises can also help treat erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. They're one of the only methods that have been proven to be effective for treating these issues.

Are Penis Weights Safe?

The answer is, it depends. If you're using a quality product and you're following the instructions correctly, then you should be fine. However, if you're using an unlicensed product or if you're not following the directions properly, then there's a greater risk of injuring yourself.

That's why it's so important to do your research before choosing a penis weight system. Make sure to read reviews and compare products so that you can find one that's right for you. And always consult with a doctor if you have any questions or concerns.

Are There Cons of Penis Weights? 

Some cons of penis weights are;

1. There is a risk of injury to the penis, including bruising, scarring, and even damage to the erectile tissue, which can lead to problems with erections.

2. Penis weight training can be time-consuming and may require significant dedication to see results.

3. There is no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of penis weight training, and it is not a recommended or safe method of penis enlargement.

How Long Does It Take to See Results With Penis Weight Training?

The biggest question on everyone's minds when it comes to penis weight training is how long it takes to see results. The answer, of course, is going to depend on the individual – some may see results in as little as four weeks while others may take much longer.

The key is consistency – make sure you are following your routine regularly, and that you are increasing the weight as needed so that your muscles continue to be challenged. This gives the best chance for growth.

It's also important to keep in mind that patience is key with any exercise program. Penis weight training isn't going to give you overnight results, but if you stick with it and do it right, then you should start to see positive changes within a few months.

What the Research Says About Penis Weights

There haven't been many studies conducted on the matter, but the ones that have been done suggest that there may be a correlation between the two. One study, for example, found that men who used penis weights for six months saw an increase in both the length and girth of their penis.

Another study found that men who performed penis stretching exercises (which are similar to using weights) for eight weeks saw an increase in both length and thickness.

However, it's important to note that these results aren't guaranteed for everyone – and in fact, some men may experience negative side effects from using weights or stretching exercises.

The Potential Risks of Penis Weights

·Blood Clotting

The biggest worry with using penis weights is the risk of blood clotting. This is a very serious condition that can lead to several health complications, including death.

When you add weight to your penis, you're putting pressure on the veins and arteries. This can cause the blood vessels to become restricted and slow down the flow of blood. If this happens, it can cause the formation of a blood clot, which can find its way to your lungs and lead to a condition called pulmonary embolism.

This is a life-threatening condition, and it's one that you want to avoid at all costs. If you're experiencing any of the following symptoms, stop using the penis weights and see a doctor immediately: shortness of breath, chest pain, rapid coughing up blood, heart rate, and swelling in your ankles or legs.

·Penile Fracture

The next risk of using penis weights is a penile fracture. This happens when the weight on the penis is too much for the tissue to handle, and it snaps or ruptures. This can cause severe bleeding and even permanent damage to the penis.

In addition, there is also the risk of developing Peyronie's disease. This is a condition that causes the penis to curve or bend during erections. It can be painful and make intercourse difficult or impossible.


The potential for scarring is another huge risk with penis weights. The exercise can cause tears in the skin of your penis, leading to permanent scarring. This may be disfiguring, and it's something that you don't want to imagine.

What's even worse is that these scars are likely to remain even after you've stopped using the weights. Even if you take a break from using them, the damage might stay with you for years or even decades after that. So make sure you think carefully before doing this exercise.

The best way to avoid scarring is to be very gentle with your body and stop if it becomes too painful or uncomfortable. You should also gradually increase the weight of your penis weights over time so that your skin has time to adjust to the increased pressure.


The next common risk associated with penis weights is bruising. According to one study, more than 66% of people who used penis weights reported bruises on their penises. The bruises can range from light purple marks to deep purple and black marks, depending on how much weight you are lifting and how long you are lifting it.

These bruises can be painful, take a while to heal, and can affect your sexual pleasure.

According to many experts, if you're already feeling pain or noticing any discolorations due to the weights, then it's time for you to take a break.

·Stretching & Tearing Of The Skin

When you're using any kind of penis weight, it's important to remember that you're putting your skin at risk. It can stretch and tear and this can cause a series of problems. For example, bleeding, bruising, and even permanent damage.

·Nerve damage

Penis weights can have a disastrous effect on your nerve endings. This can lead to a loss of sensation as well as an overall decrease in sexual pleasure. If you feel like you're at risk of developing any of these symptoms, it's best to stop using penis weights immediately and consult your doctor.

Tips For Safely Using Penis Weights

There are a few things you need to keep in mind when using penis weights:

-Only use penis weights if you are comfortable with them and have been using them correctly for some time. If you are new to penis weights, start with light weights and work your way up.

-Make sure the weights are secure before you begin. You don't want them to fall off during use.

-When attaching the weight, make sure there is a layer of fat between the weight and your skin. This will help protect your skin and prevent bruising.

-If you experience pain or discomfort, stop using the weights immediately.

Penis Weights Alternatives

·Jelqing Exercises

When you're looking for a good way to start penis exercises without weights, jelqing is always a good place to start. Jelqing is one of the oldest and most effective exercises out there, and it's a great way to get your penis working out without any extra equipment.

To do jelqing, you'll need some lube. You can either use a commercial product or make your own with water and a small amount of soap. Apply the lube to your penis and grip it at the base with your thumb and index finger. Use a milking motion to move your hand up the shaft, making sure to apply light pressure. Don't grip too tightly—you don't want to hurt yourself! Do this for about five minutes, then take a break.

·Kegels and Reverse Kegels

The next penis weight alternative of exercise is Kegel and reverse kegel. To do a Kegel, you need to clench and hold the muscle that you use to stop the flow of urine.

On the other hand, to do a Reverse Kegel, you need to clench the muscle that you use to push out urine.

Both exercises are great for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles and improving erectile function.

·Stretches And Twists

Stretches and twists are a great way to exercise your penis without weights. They may not be as effective as weightlifting, but they’re still worth doing.

To stretch your penis, simply hold the base of your penis with two fingers and gently pull outward. Start small and gradually increase the tension, but never pull too hard. You should feel some tension, but it should remain comfortable. Hold it for 10-15 seconds, relax and repeat.

Twists are similar to stretches, but instead of pulling straight out, you twist your penis in a circle. Again, start with gentle circles and gradually increase the tension until you feel the stretch.

·Clamping And Ballooning Techniques

The next popular techniques are clamping and ballooning. Clamping is a technique that involves wrapping the shaft of the penis with a cloth and slowly tightening it to increase blood flow.

On the other hand, ballooning is when you use your hand movements to create a vacuum to draw more blood into the penis.

Both techniques should be done carefully, as they can cause pain and damage if done incorrectly. Similar to others on this list, it’s best to start slowly with these exercises and work up gradually over time.

Once you become more experienced, you can increase the intensity of these exercises as needed. Be sure to take breaks throughout to give your body time to rest and recover.

FAQs on the Use of Penis Weights

-Do Penis Weights Work?

There is no definitive answer to this question. Some people say that penis weights can help to increase penis size, while others claim that it doesn't do anything at all. There is limited scientific evidence to support either claim.

-Should I Use Penis Weights?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Some people recommend using penis weights while others recommend against it. It's important to do your research and figure out what works best for you.

-Are Penis Weights Safe?

Again, there is no definitive answer to this question. Some people say that penis weights are safe, while others claim that it can cause damage to the penis. It's important to do your research and figure out what works best for you.

- Is It Painful?

It can be painful or non-painful. If you experience pain or discomfort during the exercise, you should stop and consult with a professional before resuming.

- How Often Should I Do It?

You can do it as often as you like, but most experts recommend starting with 3 to 5 times per week and gradually increasing the frequency over time.

- How Long Should I Train For?

Start with around 10 minutes per session and then move up if necessary.


At the end of the day, the jury is still out on whether penis weightlifting works. Some men swear by it, while others say that it doesn't do anything. So, if you're curious about trying it out, go ahead – just be careful and start slowly. Remember to pay attention to your body and if you experience any pain, stop immediately. With a little bit of patience and experimentation, you should be able to figure out whether penis weightlifting is right for you.
